Monday 15 September 2008

Hong Kong

So, despite having free internet in Pacific Coffee I haven't had a chance for long time internet in a while. However, I have now bought a mini laptop (10 inch screen or something, so 11 by 7 inch size, less than 1kg...roughly) for less than $400 (US). The Lonely Planet description says “If Hong Kong was a person, she'd be a difficult woman to understand.” Now, aside from that analogy making me want to punch the author in the face, I can actually see their meaning.

On one hand, Hong Kong is a bizzare shopping experience, with huge amounts of technology shops and clothes shops, malls all over the place and so on. These malls come in two forms – the kind like the malls we have at home – a shopping centre, with a grand entrance and anchor stores – although often with the addition of a Karaoke floor or perhaps a floor devoted to arcade games. The other kind seem to often have entrances at the ground floor, but no shops there, these instead being above. In fact, as is natural in a place where most building must be upward as opposed to onto surround land, many shops and services seem to require you to ascend into buildings seemingly filled with a combination of offices (not open to public), flats, and the places you're seeking.

In another sense, HK has historic areas, and temples in various places – although I have to say these are (in my experience) nowhere near as impressive as those in Bangkok. And again, HK has a huge amount of natural scenes – mountains, beaches, forest areas and so on. In short, I'm not sure whether I'm attracted to her or not.

After two days of shopping and being in the centre I was very ready to head out to one of the national parks today (Sunday). Although we didn't quite manage the boat tour around the coast I was hoping we'd be able to do, it was very pleasant to be out of the city, and incredibly easy to get there too. The beach itself was also beautiful although the heat was oppressive (and tiring) and the lack of swimming costume disappointing.

Today, I went to Lantau, an island next to Central and twice the size but much less built up (particularly if you ignore the international airport and Disney Land). My intention had been to do a proper walk – indeed I even bought a map for such purposes – however, although the ascent to the monastry and big Buddah could be completed by cable car (and indeed was), I wasn't sure how I could do the rest to minimise the walking while maximising the views, which I needed to do to avoid the heat. As it happened, what I did was miss the stop I'd thought of getting off at and stayed on the bus from the peak right the way to the ferry port and bumed around on the beach for a couple of hours – given the heat I have to say this was a much more sensible option, although it is a pity I didn't do any of the walk I'd planned as Lantau looks fantastic and it would have been nice to take a walk.

I'm staying in ChunKing Mansions...Mansions they ain't. This is a dilapidated set of blocks of flats/businesses. There is just enough room for a bed and bedside table, and for the door to the room to open, and give access to the ensuite. It's clean (and cleaned every day in fact), and has a TV and phone (free for HK calls including mobiles – useful for contacting vicky) but a bit depressing as there's no social area or anything like that. The annoyance at the 1 lift going to the odd floors (3,5,7,9,11,13,15) constantly being full to capacity is outweighed by my amusement at watching middle aged middle class couples walking in and out of the building obviously much more uncomfortable than me. Small pleasures. Anyway, it is partly for this accommodation that I'm looking forward to heading on to Shanghai (although less so the 25 hour journey there by myself).

Anyway, I should be able to get some more photos up now they're all on the laptop (as soon as I can find my superuser password to install picassa)

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